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How to Use a Plumbing Snake

Do you have stubborn clogs in your home or business drains? This can cause a lot of inconveniences and, if not fixed quickly, lead to more severe plumbing problems. You have various solutions to remove the clog or debris and have free water flow in your property. One of the best solutions for clogged toilet drains or any other drain is to use a  drain snake.

What is a Plumbing Snake?

Many foreign objects pass through your drains, making them prone to clogging over time. Food waste, soap, tissues, oil, long hair, grease, feminine hygiene products, and other materials you flush down the sink or toilet bowl can cause buildup leading to a slow or clogged drain. A drain snake can help unclog all obstructions, from the smallest drains or PVC pipe.

A plumbing snake is a long, flexible metal snake cable featuring an auger or small uncoiled spring on one end and a handle on the other. A drain auger is effective in removing drain clogs blocking piping and drains. The tool uncoils down your drain and hits the clog or garbage, blocking your sink, piping or drainage system.

Benefits of Using a Plumbing Snake

Plumbing snakes are mostly used if the clog is too big to use a plunger. It’s more powerful but more complex to use than a plunger. You can use a drain snake to unblock your bathroom sink, shower drain drains, toilet bowls or clogged kitchen sinks.

A drain snake is eco-friendly and safe compared to chemical cleaners. You don’t expose your home to toxic substances or harsh chemicals that can adversely affect the environment. It’s also safer since it doesn’t cause damage to your piping system.

Some plumbing snakes also feature several attachments to remove different types of clogs. So, you can decide the one that works for the type of clog causing obstruction in your drains.

How Do You Use a Plumbing Snake?

Before you begin, you should set up old towels or other materials around the area. You should also wear protective clothing and work gloves since you will likely touch the cable after removing it from the drain. Here are the steps to follow when removing clogs using drain snakes in the toilet or other areas in your house.

Step 1:  Prepare the pipes or drain

Start by removing the plumbing trap or sending the spring down your drain. The P- trap is a curved piping beneath the sink, which you can remove with a wrench or by hand. Removing the trap makes it easier to snake a drain. You may also find the clog in the trap, thus solving the problem fast.

Step 2: Insert the plumbing snake

After removing the plumbing trap, insert the drain auger head into the drainpipe instead of the drain.

Step 3: Start to uncoil the snake

After placing the auger in the clogged drains or pipe, start uncoiling the spring. A drain snake is hand-operated, so you uncoil it by rotating its handle clockwise consistently and gently. Avoid pushing too hard, so you don’t damage the pipe or drain opening. The coil moves down the drain pipe when you rotate the handle. When you start feeling the pressure, you should know that you have reached the clog.

Step 4: Uncoil until you reach the clog

When you hit the obstruction, wiggle the head back and forth gently to break it up. If the drain augers get stuck in the block, try pulling the drain snake out of your pipe to find out if the clog will come with it. Keep snaking a drain until you no longer feel resistance.

Step 4: Remove the snake and inspect to see if the pipe is unblocked

When you feel like the sink is unclogged, remove the drain snake. Check if the clog is still there by running water. If the sink drain drains well, you have successfully removed it. You should continue snaking or call a professional plumber for help if it doesn’t. Sometimes the solid object is flushed down the drain when you run hot or cold water, or it might come attached to the drain snake.

Helpful Tips for Using a Plumbing Snake

Like any other plumbing tool, there are tips you should apply to ensure you get the best results when using a plumber’s snake. Here are a few tips to follow during the thorough snaking process.

  • Read the manufacturer’s guide before using the snake or how to prevent drain clogs.
  • Select the right size plumbing snake depending on the job at hand. A small plumbing snake may get stuck inside your drainpipe, while an extra-large one can damage the drain pipes, costing you a lot of money to repair. 
  • Always wear safety glasses and rubber gloves when using a drain snake or when you flush clogs.
  • Ensure the plumbing snake is well connected to the hand crank and drill. 
  •  Avoid applying excess force while removing the clog or other blockages to avoid damaging the pipes in your plumbing system.
  • If you are unsure you can use the drain snake effectively to remove clogs, hire professional plumbers. 



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