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How to Unclog Toilet

How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

The problem of clogged toilets appears both in homes and in public toilets. In each of the above cases, the clogged toilet creates an uncomfortable situation, preventing normal use, and also adversely affects the hygiene conditions prevailing in the bathroom. This is particularly troublesome for public toilets, which are used by many people every day.

Ways on how to unclog Toilet when nothing works

Among the most common causes of clogging the toilet can be mentioned such factors as:

  • too much toilet paper lying in the toilet bowl
  • damaged cistern
  • other materials lying in the shells, such as paper towels, swabs, sanitary napkins

Uselessness, bacterial and germ growth, unpleasant odor, and even the emergence of water from the shells are possible consequences of a clogged toilet. Effectively dealing with this problem is a challenge, but proper preparation, as well as knowledge of proven methods of detaching, will restore the desired conditions in the toilet.

Preparation stages

Proper preparation, and therefore the supply of necessary utensils and tools, is the first stage of effective and safe toilet retouching. The necessary equipment includes:

  • rubber gloves,
  • a protective mask,
  • equipment and accessories needed for storing, which may vary depending on the chosen method.

The methods of removing the clogged toilet bowl can be divided into two types: alternate, i.e. domestic, and specialized, which require the use of appropriate chemicals.

Home methods for a clogged toilet

Dishwashing liquid and hot water

Just pour the liquid into the water standing in the shell and wait about 15-20 minutes. After this time, pour the whole with warm water and after a few minutes drain the water. The method does not guarantee full effectiveness, however, it usually works in the case of clogging the toilet paper with toilet paper or paper towel, and thus the materials that most often clog the outflow.

Baking soda with vinegar – a few tablespoons of soda should be poured into the

clamshell, then pour the vinegar, wait a few minutes, and press the cistern.

Sanitary plunger

The most popular and simplest device to detach the toilet. It works in a very simple way, so just press the rubber tip to the drain to suck in the air, which should lead to the removal of the blockage, this action should be carried out several times, until the effect.

Metal hanger

The clothes hanger is folded in such a way that it can be put deeply in the drain and maneuvered, and then with energetic movements, we try to remove the blockage.


When it comes to chemicals, the mole is unmatched. The exact instructions on how to use it are on the packaging, but we will suggest something that you will not know. It happens that people use too much of this agent, which leads to even bigger congestion that looks impossible to be removed without invasive physical interference, well, no more wrong; just pour into the bowl a full kettle of freshly boiled hot water, and the embolism will subside.

Among the more specialized devices intended for the toilet to be removed, first of all, a spiral to unblock the pipes (pressure, manual or electric) and a plunger. If these tools prove to be ineffective, it is advisable to use chemicals based on sodium hydroxide. They may be in the form of a liquid, gel, or granules.

After removing the toilet, you should get rid of the remains that blocked it. Under no circumstances should they be drained in another toilet. The separated shell is recommended to be thoroughly cleaned with toilet disinfectant.

Baking soda + vinegar

A good homemade way to unstick the shell will also be the combination of two food products. The first one is baking soda. Baking soda might well be called “soda for cleaning”. With her help, you can basically clean the whole house. It will be useful when performing the least pleasant activities associated with cleaning – washing windows, washing carpets, cleaning silver cutlery, ironing or removing the unpleasant smell of shoes. In combination with vinegar, it is an antidote to a clogged toilet bowl. First, you need to pour a few tablespoons of soda, then top up the vinegar and wait a few minutes. Then just rinse the water.


The vast majority of us have already struggled with the problem of a clogged shell. It is always associated with an unpleasant operation – unhooking. The methods given above are effective, but there is a risk that something will go wrong, that some of the collected water will spill out of the tank to the floor, or that we splash.

Pongtu is a South Korean invention that eliminates this risk. Just dry the ends of the shells and stick a special coat to them. We drain the water which will cause the coat to bulge. Now it’s enough to press several times on the bulge and … the uncoated shell.

Wire clothes hanger

This method can be considered as desperate. If you do not find baking soda, vinegar at home, you have not accidentally brought a Pongtu from South Korea, you do not have a pusher, or even dishwashing liquid, then maybe you will find a wire rack for clothes. Just spread it and push it inside the toilet bowl. With vigorous movements to yourself and from yourself, you have to push the outflow from the things that are stuck there and ready.

Preventive measures to prevent outflow clogging

The staff responsible for maintaining order in public toilets, in order to minimize the risk of clogged toilets, should apply specific preventive measures. These include:

  • Ensuring that toilet paper is always available in every public toilet booth. The use of other materials, such as paper towels, increases the likelihood of clogging the toilet.
  • Placing garbage bins in the cabins – minimizes the risk of throwing hygienic materials into the toilet bowl.
  • The use of toilet paper containers gives a contribution always after one leaf. Such a practice will work especially in places particularly vulnerable to various types of acts of vandalism, such as school toilets, pubs, and discos.


A clogged toilet bowl is certainly one of the least pleasant tasks to do at home, and unfortunately, it can not be translated later. Perhaps at first, you will think that you have to call a plumber in Surrey or at least ask for help from your neighbor, but it is worth checking how you can do it yourself. There will always be something at home that will help in this unclean work.

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